2018 San Diego Outstanding API Student Mayoral Award
受亚太联盟 (‘APAC’) 的委托,圣地亚哥华人联盟 (ACA) 和圣地亚哥亚裔平权会(SDAAFE) 将联合主持2018年第四届亚裔优秀高中生市长奖的华人社区的评选. 该奖评选向所有合格的学生开放, ACA收集到所有候选人申请材料之后,将组织由各界华人代表组成的评选委员会评选最后的获奖人。华人社区共有 4 个获奖名额。
请朋友们互相传递信息, 也请家长们鼓励高中生孩子们积极参与。 这是一个非常难得的机会。请申请者务必在4月16日之前递交所有的申请材料。更多详情请点击下面的链接。
如欲了解更多‘市长奖’详情,电邮 [email protected]
请朋友们互相传递信息, 也请家长们鼓励高中生孩子们积极参与。 这是一个非常难得的机会。请申请者务必在4月16日之前递交所有的申请材料。更多详情请点击下面的链接。
如欲了解更多‘市长奖’详情,电邮 [email protected]
Award Guidelines
Commissioned by Asian Pacific American Coalition (‘APAC’), Alliance of Chinese Americans of San Diego (ACA) and San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE) are the co-hosts of Chinese community for this year’s San Diego Outstanding API Student Mayoral Award (“Mayoral Award”).
The purpose of Mayoral Award is to recognize those high school students who have demonstrated strong willingness and made significant efforts in civic engagement, revealed extraordinary leadership skills with proved accomplishments, actively participated in community outreach programs as well as maintained academic excellence in school. By recognizing these students, we hope to discover next generation leaders for our Chinese American community.
Here are general guidelines to those who apply to Mayoral Award:
The purpose of Mayoral Award is to recognize those high school students who have demonstrated strong willingness and made significant efforts in civic engagement, revealed extraordinary leadership skills with proved accomplishments, actively participated in community outreach programs as well as maintained academic excellence in school. By recognizing these students, we hope to discover next generation leaders for our Chinese American community.
Here are general guidelines to those who apply to Mayoral Award:
- Be descendants of Chinese immigrants
- Currently enrolled in school within San Diego County area.
- Have maintained a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and above on a 4.0 scale
- Have not received this same award in the past.
The application deadline is April 16, 2018. To apply, please click here to submit the following required material.
- The completed Mayoral Award Application Form.
- A recent standard photo (2 x 2) in jpeg format.
- A copy of the most recent school transcript in PDF.
- A short biography (no more than 80 words).
- A list with full description in PDF for the followings:
- All the unpaid activities including community services and the leadership experiences starting from middle-school. Indicate the average hours spent per week on each activity.
- All the honors and awards received applicable to community services and the leadership experiences starting from middle-school
- Personal Statement (no more than 500 words): How your volunteering experience has impacted you and others around you.
To ensure complete impartiality in selection of recipients and to maintain a high level of professionalism, the Mayoral Award Committee will consist of respected local community leaders as well as executives from local industries.
- The first round of selection is based on the student’s submitted application materials.
- The applicants who pass the first round of selection will be notified to enter the second round of selection.
- The second round of selection involves an interview for which the selected candidates are expecting to give a short presentation, followed by questions of the committee.
- The final decision is based on the results from the 2nd round of selections.
- Decision of the Award Committee will prevail.
The final receipt will be notified after the selection processes are completed.
If there are any questions about the Mayoral Award, we encourage the student to contact 2018 API Award directly by e-mailing [email protected] with the subject line: 2018 Mayoral Award (applicant name)
For the result of the Mayoral Award, 2017, please click here.
For the result of the Mayoral Award, 2017, please click here.