ACA is Awarded a Grant for API Youth Internship Program from CLUSA
August 12, 2019
Today ACA is pleased to announce a grant awarded by Civic Leadership USA for its API Youth Internship Program.
The objectives of the internship program are to train and cultivate future civic leaders, as well as to build a strong relationship between the local government and API community. In addition, the program aims to inspire API youth for active civic engagement.
ACA has successfully placed five college students in a number of local government offices, and will continue the program in the Fall and next year.
ACA wishes to thank CLUSA for the generous support, and its pioneering efforts in encouragement and promotion of API Youth in civic engagement.
The internship program is a year-around, continuing effort, therefore, ACA encourages eligible candidates to apply for these positions. For more information on the program, please visit:
The objectives of the internship program are to train and cultivate future civic leaders, as well as to build a strong relationship between the local government and API community. In addition, the program aims to inspire API youth for active civic engagement.
ACA has successfully placed five college students in a number of local government offices, and will continue the program in the Fall and next year.
ACA wishes to thank CLUSA for the generous support, and its pioneering efforts in encouragement and promotion of API Youth in civic engagement.
The internship program is a year-around, continuing effort, therefore, ACA encourages eligible candidates to apply for these positions. For more information on the program, please visit:
API 青年实习项目( 2019 API Youth Internship Program),由圣地亚哥华人联盟(ACA)倡导和组织,特别为圣地亚哥亚裔大学生提供,资助或奖励亚裔青年到政府部门实习实践,由此获得行政与立法、执法等等部门的实际经验。项目经费主要由Civic Leadership USA提供,旨在鼓励亚裔青年从政与服务社区的兴趣,发展领导才能,培养未来的公民领袖。
实习项目仍在接受申请,有兴趣者请电邮 [email protected] 登录我们的网页了解更多信息和申请方式:
API 青年实习项目( 2019 API Youth Internship Program),由圣地亚哥华人联盟(ACA)倡导和组织,特别为圣地亚哥亚裔大学生提供,资助或奖励亚裔青年到政府部门实习实践,由此获得行政与立法、执法等等部门的实际经验。项目经费主要由Civic Leadership USA提供,旨在鼓励亚裔青年从政与服务社区的兴趣,发展领导才能,培养未来的公民领袖。
实习项目仍在接受申请,有兴趣者请电邮 [email protected] 登录我们的网页了解更多信息和申请方式:
ACA is a non-political and non-profit organization (501c3) serving the San Diego Chinese community. Its mission is to educate, empower and engage the recent Chinese immigrants, help them to assimilate the American culture and become thriving citizens.