Mental Health Matters
Prioritizing community mental health is essential for fostering resilience and well-being. By addressing mental health needs, we support individual fulfillment and cultivate a stronger, more empathetic community. Investing in accessible resources, destigmatizing seeking help, and promoting self-care practices are crucial steps. Nurturing mental health at the community level lays the foundation for a compassionate society where individuals thrive and contribute positively.
Collaborating with MAHCC, ACA ramped up effort to care for mental health issue of Asian community. Welcome to attend mental health forum and listen to what professionals advise.
Rancho Bernardo Library 17110 Bernardo Center Dr. San Diego, CA 92128 Date/Time:Monday, June 5, 2023 | 5 PM Registration link: |
请参加我们举办的“文化背景与精神健康”论坛,由具有这方面的专家与大家分享这方面的信息。(pizza is provided) 地址: Rancho Bernardo Library 17110 Bernardo Center Dr. San Diego, CA 92128 时间: Monday, June 5, 2023 | 5 PM |